Paypig Clips

Come on, piggy, pay me NOW!

All articles tagged with "Pay Piggy"

Goddess Yasemin did not want to struggle with insufficient salary from her work place. She needed to supplement her income and she had to get a second source of income. She wanted something easy and that is why she chose to use her hot body and her sexy charm. So she turned into paypig fetish and she turned paypigs into her second source of income while she had fun with them.

Lady Nora needed to find a way to reward her paypig and she did it by spending time with him. He had never had such a time with her and he loved it. She was rewarding him for all the money he had given her and for being a good and reliable paypig for her. He was trouble free and she loved it and had to appreciate him a little.

This mistress did not want to let this guy get away with what he was doing. He was inconsistent and he had to be punished. She had to torture him and she did so in a way he would not forget. That is why she had to do it with her paypig clips. The mistress made a huge dent in his pocket and she was sure that he would not forget it.

Princess Kitty wanted to pay tuition without relying on student loans. So she did so by turning this guy into a paypig and she had a great time torturing him. He never saw it coming and he regretted what happened but it was too late and he had to endure all that she did to him. He was shocked and tried to beg her for mercy but she laughed at him and ignored him.

When it comes to dominating as well as degrading people, mistress Jane is one of the best in the business. She loves to dominate as well as to torture and she did that today. She did it without caring what this guy did and why. The mistress ensured that the guy went home broke after she had humiliated him. He got the message and he never messed with her again.

Madame Marissa was bored and she wanted to dominate this paypig for fun. Besides that, she did not want to let this guy mess with her or even think of doing it. That is why she chose to dominate as well as degrade him and she did so with her paypig fetish. He was turned into a paypig and she had a great time with her friend torturing him. He never messed up again after that.

Queen Hanna and mistress Jane had some debts that they needed to clear. So they had to come up with a way to make sure that they did so. They sat down and brainstormed and finally agreed that they had to use paypig clips to do it. They turned their paypig into a human atm and they had a great time torturing him and making money from him. It worked out.

This mistress needed to dominate her paypig because she wanted him to submit to her financially. He did not see any of it coming and he did not know what to do about it. But as she dominated him and humiliated him, he knew that the only way out was to give in financially and so he did. He submitted to her and that is how she took advantage of him financially.

Mistress Veena wanted to enjoy herself but what she wanted to do cost money and she did not want to use hers. She wanted to enjoy herself and enjoy someone else's money. So she did it without twice about it. She turned to her paypig and she dominated him financially because she knew that she could. It was fun for her and she did not care what the paypig felt.

Princess Serena loves to do some wild things and that is exactly what she did today. She did it at the expense of this guy because he was a pain in the ass for her. She did not want to let him get away with what he had done and that is why she chose to use her paypig fetish to torture him. He came to realize what she was out to do to him after it was already done.

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